Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hub Politics Lied!

What won't these people do? The shocker of all shockers, the Rovian Republicans at Hub Politics did it again... they blatantly lied.

They claimed that a malicious sign at Deval Patrick's Boston Common Rally was part of Deval Patrick's campaign - why? Because it was there of course! It was on video and everything! Well, Matt Margolis, I just happened to be at that rally. I just happened to see about a dozen Deval Patrick supporters BLOCKING that sign as best they could throughout most of the rally.

However, you won't know that from watching Margolis's video: he didn't even take it during the friggin rally! The video was from when people were either just getting there or starting to leave, because other than that there were some loyal supporters making sure that Deval's name wasn't smeared by people who clearly weren't there for Deval Patrick, but for their own selfish reasons. You can't pin that on Deval anymore than you can with those crazy Laroushians who continually disturb political events.

I wrote a comment on Matt's blog, asking him to post a correction. I suggest other people do as well - it's time they learn a little something about human decency and accountability. Let's hope NECN and other MSM outlets have figured out just how shrill-like the Margolises really are - and cease and desist allowing them any airtime. There are real, genuine, free-thinking conservative and Republican bloggers in Massachusetts. The Margolis gang family isn't one of them.

PS: I'm calling on some people who went to this rally to send me some pictures of Deval supporters blocking that sign. I just checked my camera and I can't believe I didn't take a picture of it, because I remember being really annoyed by the distraction, but I was too caught up in the rally itself to even pay more than a moment's notice to anything but the speeches and amazing crowd of more than 5,000.

Update: Susan found this video that shows a the Deval Patrick supporters blocking the sign at about 5:44. I'm still looking for more pictures and videos though, if anyone has them, because during that video the Deval supporters were so effective that you couldn't see the sign in question.


susan said...

Jeez, the wonder twins are at it again, huh? Making these kinds of completely obnoxious posts are the only way they can get traffic to their site. People don't go for the writing. Unless you happen to be a fan of poor writing.

Anyway - I could swear that someone had a picture up on their blog of the Deval supporters blocking the sign in question with big Deval signs on sticks. I can't locate the picture, but on mbair's vlog of the rally, he does capture the Deval supporters mobilizing and moving to block the sign.

He's got the video up on youTube It comes in at about 5:44

The Hub boys are totally wrong on this, but I doubt they will actually apologize. I'm not holding my breath anyway.

Anonymous said...

The Margolis brothers are using a classic Republican ploy: smear the opponent with everything you can think of and see what sticks. Truth doesn't matter.

In a pinch you can hit them with not responding.

The best part is there's no burden of proof. Jon Stewart showed a clip last night of a Republican demanding the Democrats prove they weren't involved in leaking the Foley scandal.

The problem with the Margolis brothers, DR Tucker, Scott Cartman Miller, Howie Carr and the like is their accusations are increasingly bizarre and they can't control their racist and homophobic leanings.

In a lot of ways, the Margolis, Cartman, and DR Tucker are the best thing that happened to Deval. It's like Jeff Jacoby. If we have to have conservative commentators, we're better off with incompetent ones. Howie Carr is far more dangerous because he's entertaining.

Peter Porcupine said...

Ryan - your comment and its assertion that there is no connection to the Patrick campign is there for all to read. Even though comments are moderated - so Margolis CHOSE to post your dissent.

This is a courtesy I have noticed is not always reciprocated by Leftyblogs.

And unless you can provide the identities of the people in question, you DON'T REALLY KNOW there is no connection other than the vigorous assertion by the Patrick Campaign that they are not - do you? And that assertion is there on Hub Politics.

Anonymous said...

Connection to the Patrick campaign? One of those guys holding that big banner also was holding in his had a small Patrick sign with Patrick crossed out and the word "FACIST" written in.

Do I need to say anymore?

Sorry this point doesn't help the Hubpolitics guys' argument. Oh well, they are desperate.

Ryan said...


You'll note that not only do I allow any comments (that aren't spam) on this website, but I do so unmoderated. I've never removed anyone's comment on this website: it's a free speech zone. So that point falls flat here at Ryan's Take.

Simple logic alone would dictate that a supporter of Deval Patrick wouldn't have done something so rude and potentially harmful to Deval Patrick during his big rally. Supporters would have held up Deval Patrick signs, Tim Murray signs, etc. - not anything that has to do with Palestine or any other nonrelated, distracting cause.

Ryan said...

Susan, thanks for the video!

Anonymous said...

I brought my 12 year old daughter to the rally. She saw the sign when Deval supporters were attempting to hide it with Deval/Tim signs. When I explained to her the meaning behind the sign, she became very upset and angry. We had a nice talk on free speech even when that speech is repugnant. It was so obvious that the crowd did not approve of this small group of haters and one teenager even threw away the materials they were trying to pass out.

Anonymous said...

I brought my 12 year old daughter to the rally. She saw the sign when Deval supporters were attempting to hide it with Deval/Tim signs. When I explained to her the meaning behind the sign, she became very upset and angry. We had a nice talk on free speech even when that speech is repugnant. It was so obvious that the crowd did not approve of this small group of haters and one teenager even threw away the materials they were trying to pass out.

Ryan said...

Sadly, that's a lesson Matt Margolis never learned.

Anonymous said...


That's a pretty tenuous argument. I've had comments rejected by Scott Allen Miller and HubPolitics which were simple statements of fact. BlueMassGroup regularly publishes your comments, now matter how off-topic or strident.

Your attempts to tie them to Deval are pathetic, even for you. They may have been in the same place at the same time, but the campaign has openly repudiated them.

On the other hand, Kerry Healey has admitted "Inmates for Deval" were campaign workers.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Peter. It's cool to make stuff up, especially when you allow other comments pointing out what a liar you are.

And, I mean, just because those of us who were there couldn't even read the banner because of the big crowd of Deval staff who were told to follow it around and block it with their signs doesn't prove a damn thing, because, um, gay marriage destroys families! Plus, the guys carrying the banner weren't members of the Aryan Nations, so there's no way they were Healey campaign staff, so they must therefore be Patrick campign staff. It all makes sense now.

Anonymous said...

BlueMassGroup regularly publishes your comments, now matter how off-topic or strident.

True, but only about 90% of the comments at BMG are from Peter or the other Republicans. The fact that 10% of the comments are on-topic indicates that Repubs are being censored, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the persecution that they face in a society where they only control what, three branches of government and is it 3/4 of the states?

Anonymous said...

Peter Porcupine, your logic is fatally flawed.

You may as well claim that it's reasoable to assume that Kerry Healey is responsible for all of our unsolved murders, because unless you can provide the identities of the actual perpetrators, YOU DON'T REALLY KNOW.


I'm also curious about the whereabouts of these "Leftyblogs." I'm quite sure they exist, however, because you hear so many conservatives whining about them.
The fact that all of this conservative and Republican whining takes place at liberal and Democratic blogs in no way makes the whining that much more ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Be nice to Peter. Who else has the courage to pretend someone who died a hundred years before Lincoln was a party-line Republican?

For those of you who don't know: Peter Porcupine was the pseudonym for the Englishman William Cobbett, the most widely read pamphleteer and journalist in the early American republic.

Our own Peter has engaged in an amusing bit of identity theft.

I'm sure Mr. Cobbett would have approved. Yes, I'm certain if Bill were alive today, he'd be unquestioningly pro-Bush and vehemently against gay people and liberals, just like our own interloper.

In fact, I'm certain that's why the original was so popular. People just love to read regurgitated Republican press releases.

susan said...

All right - this video has jokey pac man music, but it also has indisputable proof that Deval Patrick supporters worked to cover the anti-semitic sign up - a classic rally tactic when punk-ass starfuckers crash your gig.

YouTube video here [link]

I think the Hubbers owe someone an apology. (again, not holding my breath, but the honorable thing would be to apologize)

About Ryan's Take