Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Gambling Sense

  • Must-read post on BMG about a little spar on the casino issue this morning, featuring State Treasurer Cahill (pro) and State Rep Dan Bosley (con). Needless to say, I think Dan Bosley has once again made great points that few across the state have considered. The biggest point: casino revenue isn't new revenue, it's revenue transferred from one market to another. David's recap of Bosley's argument on this point is this:
    Overall point is that we're rearranging money -- there's no new money. On the film industry: that's been very successful. We will make money off it. Difference between that and gambling: gambling is bad economic activity -- doesn't add anything. But film is a value-added industry -- you sell the product for more than you put in.
    Bosley really sums up a point I've trying to make, very well: mega-resort casinos are the death of local economies. Instead of people spending their money at local businesses, be it a restaurant, shops or even clubs, they'll spend it at the casino resort - where they can get all of those things, in a convenient package. Heck, many casinos - such as Foxwoods - have open bars to boot. Nothing will get you riding higher on your slot machine than being a little liquored up.
  • Mike and I chatted up the whole casino issue on today's LeftAhead podcast. It was a good one, so check it out.
  • I have a couple of unanswered questions for the Governor. Mainly, what about the effects casinos will have on local economies? And, even if we have "best-in-the-nation" social programs for addicts, how will we prevent addicts from ruining their entire families' lives before they're actually entered into a program?


Anonymous said...

It's typical of the current political climate, Deval will be able to get a soundbite saying he came up with 500 mil (?) in new money from fees etc. and the future be damned. Local economies will atrophy but it's not a sexy issue.

Anonymous said...

I was around when the Lottery was first introduced. To hear the selling of that program we weren't going to have to pay taxes at all by now. That didn't quite work out.

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