Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Don't Know How I Missed This: Biotech Fued

Lisa Wangsness doesn't disappoint today with a great article detailing why the biotech bill isn't going to pass this legislative session; Speaker DiMasi isn't willing to give up the purse strings.
In an interview yesterday afternoon, as Patrick was listening to DiMasi's pitch, Patrick's economic secretary said the governor did not want to use the political process to hand out economic development money for biotech companies. Instead, he said, a special panel of scientists and other specialists should award incentives, as Patrick's biotech bill proposes.

DiMasi said he asked the governor and Senate President Therese Murray during their weekly meeting yesterday to consider offering as much as $40 million in tax breaks and infrastructure investments to a half-dozen life science companies that are now deciding whether to expand in the state.

So, let's get this straight. Governor Patrick and Senate President Therese Murray want to create a program that rewards good science, providing a means to make sure that the most innovative and ultimately best companies grow and expand in the state. Speaker DiMasi wants to bribe his friends dish out 40 million to his hand-picked companies. Ignoring the ethical problems with that - as well as the fact that it's a policy that holds our state hostage to any company that threatens to leave - shouldn't we be spending our money wisely and efficiently? Shouldn't we be making sure we not only get the most bang for our buck, but that we also support research that will, you know, cure people?

Sadly, the only way we're going to change Beacon Hill is through electoral change. If you're progressive, care about the direction this state is heading in and can work hard to win office, think about running. Call me up and I'll help out. Primaries seem to be the only thing Beacon Hill's House cares about.


Anonymous said...

So these already established companies, who I assume are not non-profit organizations, want to expand in the state. Great, they're already up and running, employing people, paying taxes and they want to stay here. Let's help them out with some infrastructure.
We did when the Patriots threatened to leave. They must be making viable products or the marketplace would have put them out of business.

Ryan said...

I'm not saying we don't give them some reasonable grants. I'm saying that they should be a part of the same process as any other company creating more jobs, research and products in the biotech field. Therese Murray & Deval Patrick came up with a very great proposal to make sure that our state's money was invested wisely and free from political gamesmanship - all the while still rewarding companies that choose to stay in Massachusetts and stay innovative.

About Ryan's Take