Monday, May 18, 2009

Netroots Nation Round 2 It Is...

I wavered for only a few hours today before people said I should definitely pursue Round 2. I didn't want to do so unless I thought I'd have the community's support -- and that support thus far has been strong. Massachusetts needs one of its netroot core members there and none of the BMG editors will be attending, nor any of the other state bloggers that I know of (and I've talked with most of them!). So it's still very worthwhile just so we can get the Mass perspective on the convention - and none of my commitment or desires to attend has ever changed. Going to Netroots Nation was always a bit of a dream of mine since it was called YearlyKos! Thanks to everyone's kind help and support, I feel completely rejuvinated, so please bear with me for a little longer. I will be selected in Round 2, come hell or high water.

Here's how you can help: I need everyone to log in and click "add your support" again on my profile. I appreciate everyone's time and support. Round 2 ends on June 11th, so if you click your support now, you can spare yourself nearly a month of my emails and facebook messages!

1 comment:

Peter Porcupine said...

Now I must covince RMG that supporting you means sending you far, far away....

About Ryan's Take