Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Lunch is On Mitt

It's funny how Mitt was the one complaining loudest about John Edwards's $400 haircut, because Mitt Romney could afford a lot of those. I seem to remember an article in the Globe from a while back, reporting the Romney net worth at about 26 million. People were a little surprised at how small that was - but no worries, everyone, it's really closer to 260 million. So, no 'man of the people' moments for Mr. Romney, please, he has a few $300 make-up consultations he needs to attend. Hopefully Willard won't buy the cheap stuff - if he wears it every day, it'll do a number on his face - which seems to be the second most important asset he has, next to his $250 million.

Candidates for president were supposed to report their holdings by May 15, but Romney requested 90 days of extra time, the maximum permissible extension.

The poor guy Romneys must have needed the 90 extra days just to figure out what all of their assets were - it's not as if there aren't enough of them, especially directed in foreign companies.


Anonymous said...

They are all dwarfed by the Kennedy clan.

Anonymous said...

The difference is, is that Mitt hasn't been saying this whole time that he's a man of the poor and impoverished like Edwards has.

Ryan said...

But has he, Joe? He's talked about coming from humble roots, but so do lots of currently-wealthy (but poor as anything when they were kids) politicians. In fact, especially when discussing health care, Edwards is quick to point out just how lucky he is and how everyone should have care that's just as good as he does.

Mitt, on the other hand, has been hypocrtical. He was quick to jump on Edwards's $400 haircut when Mitt has spent hundreds on makeup. But it's all a little silly I guess.

Anonymous said...

Mitt spent $150 on makeup. One time. He booked two sessions, because that was the company minimum, but has never used the second.

Edwards had MULTIPLE haircuts, some costing as much as $1,000 because he paid for the stylist's air fare to where he was.

BTW - WHEN did he jump on Edwards? He answered a reporter's questions and said he paid $50 himself - but where did he attack Edwards? Wasn't that sHillary?

Anonymous said...

The only major politician I can remember in last 20 years that I felt could commiserate with the average person was the Green Party candidate for governor. When she was asked about public transportation she looked at the other candidates and said she was probably the only one who even knew how to take the bus. I bet she was right. The others are all in a diffferent world.

Anonymous said...

Mitt may mention something here and there, but John Edwards campaign has been one that is something akin to a war on poverty. While I think it's a great idea, I think he sort of shoots himself in the foot spending 400 bills of something I get for 12 bucks. Mitt is a hypocrite, I don't question that, but you can't ignore how John Edwards is too.

Anonymous said...

Joe, that's idiotic. So rich people who care about the poor should shut up? That makes NO sense. What does that accomplish? Edwards makes eliminating poverty a central point in his campaign, but he's a hypocrite because he gets an expensive haircut, Let me guess--that $400 is all that's standing between us and universal health care, or something? It just doesn't make any sense, there is no logical point, and meanwhile we're supposed to admire Mitt because he's upfront about being a greedy callous bastard? Funny, I don't recall his campaign ads where he bragged about how much he enjoyed taking over comapnies and putting teh screws to teh workers and threatening to do the same to us if we elected him, which I guess he's obligated to do by truth in advertising. Also, I'd like to know who cooks in the Romney household, since they claim to have no staff yet they've said nobody cooks, let's make a big campaign issue out of that since it's so relevant. I'm sure the "liberal media" (hahaha) will be all over that one, since as many people have heard about Mitt's animal cruelty, right?

Anonymous said...

Good thing you spewed on and on about how terrible mitt romney is. When you see a mitt romney supporter, you should probably tell him or her all that.

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