Monday, November 26, 2007

Shut it Down

Not only has the Salem Power Plant killed three of its workers recently, but the cancer rates in the area are through the roof. I've long had my doubts that it's a coincidence. Furthermore, the plant is old, inefficient and highly polluting - all things that could be improved by shutting the sucker down. Of course, America needs energy and this region of the country is no different, but hopefully this will open up a chance to create more renewable energy - green-lighting projects like Cape Wind and others. Salem, of course, ought to get in the game and find out just where they can build several large wind turbines.

Finally, the mayor worries about losing tax dollars by shutting down the power plant. Here's both a good opportunity for the state to get involved, while also sitting back and taking a breather. The power plant is a huge waterfront property - whatever replaces it will also rake in high amounts of taxes. There's endless possibilities for high end, 1 bedroom condos and a second, even larger, Pickering-Wharf type establishment. Salem has quickly become a top tourist destination all year round, not just during the Halloween season, so why not push to maximize on that potential?

Now - here's where the state should jump in. No municipalities should be held hostage by the whims of large corporations operating up within them. Why not create a law that would cover at least a portion of a city or town's losses in property taxes if a fairly big company either shut down or moved, at least long enough to redevelop the area? Not only will it keep cities and towns fiscally sound, but it could blunt the ability for large businesses to hold communities hostage, essentially buying their own influence by squeezing a municipalities jugular. Anyone else think that a good idea?


Anonymous said...

You've raised some great points & thanks.
Didn't Willard promise to improve/eliminate the dirty power plants? Hmm!
Much has been posted & commented on about the wealthy few who are protesting the spoiling of their views with Cape Wind. CapeCodToday, Peter Kenney & others are condemning the wealthy vested interests and the political entanglements that are preventing offshore wind from being aggressively pursued at the expense of the consumers (you & me).
The time has come for our legislators to act in the best interests of their constituents, set aside the political giveaways,
and address ENERGY in the Commonwealth.
I've posted some information on
along with links to other sites.
Let's get serious with energy, the environment, and people's health.

Anonymous said...

With Ted (don't spoil my view) Kennedy against it, it'll be an uphill battle. We don't want him to crash his sailboat into a tower.

Anonymous said...

I agree with your great points -- all involved should see this as an opportunity to push for GREEN ENERGY here!! Especially since Governor Patrick has already done so much for the solar power industry... How about building some wind turbines right there in Salem Harbor?!


Anonymous said...

In Israel every new home is required to install a solar water heater. No reason the same type of thing can't be mandated here, make it a requirement like a septic/sewer connection. Once the economies of scale kick in solar power will be an even more attractive option.

Ryan said...

solar-powered hot water is actually almost as efficient and cheap as a traditional water heater, from what I've heard. Economies of scale would only serve to make it a far better option at every level.

About Ryan's Take