Sunday, June 03, 2012

The Media is in its own World

When it comes to politics and the news, two interrelated but entirely different things, there are really two worlds: the world everyday people and most public officials live in, and the world where the mainstream news exists. So, when the NY Times says Warren survived the state convention despite "flailing" over the past week, it's important to note that the NY Times is only describing the news as it exists within the very small bubble of the Main Stream Media.

The reality that the rest of us live in is a different story. A "flailing campaign" is not one that's evening up the polls and winning statewide conventions by record numbers. A "flailing campaign" is a candidate like Marisa DeFranco's, who lost 96% of the statewide delegate votes and had to pay her way through a signature drive.

What Elizabeth Warren has done in this campaign is truly record breaking. She went from a no-name candidate to someone who's amassed thousands and thousands of volunteers and enthusiastic supporters in the case of a few months. She's raising gazillions of dollars from mostly small donors, eschewing the typical Wall Street folks that dominate many statewide campaigns.

She's doing all of this against an incumbent with the thin but unmistakable veneer of popularity and likability. 

There is simply no precedent for what she's doing. Only in the world of the media could one of the single greatest primary campaign in this state's history be deemed as 'flailing,' simply because of media-contrived stories that the public -- in poll after poll -- states they don't give a damn about. It's amazing what they're doing, but not surprising.

Eventually, they'll be forced by the strength of the Warren campaign to actually report the race, just like Deval Patrick's campaign forced them to do... and when that happens, when those two worlds combined, Scott Brown's thin veneer will not only wear off, but his whole campaign will fall apart. At least, that's Ryan's Take. 

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